Permapine Roundwood
Great People and Great Place to Work
Back in April 2021 we partnered with Permapine to assist in the complex design and to construct their new timber treatment plant.
This plant would be innovative in the plant and its operation and the building would be open plan timber structures incorporating heavy steel columns and the biggest Laminated beams we have ever worked with.
This project was massive and now April 2024 it will be nearing completion and a fully operational plant.
Permapine Videos
Fitting Tanks

Fitting Tanks

Cat Equipment Onsite

Drone Footage

Tank Install
Project Challenges
Every project has it challenges, this is what motivates us to use the kiwi ingenuity and our ability to look beyond the normal and seek out innovative ways to over come these.
The timber buildings were supplied in kitset form from Tumu Timbers Hastings and although came with full structural plans the buildings them selves had a number of logistical elements that we had to over come.
One of the use the building of the entire 600m2 treatment plant roof needed to be built on the ground and lifted onto the steel columns by cranes.
The whole plant is built within a fully lined confinement due to the nature of the chemical that this plant will operate with, every thing had to be built without damaging or piecing these liners.
Add to all this the approximate 3000m3 of water proof concrete that was poured to produce these large bunded containment tanks that everything has to sit in, and then seal everything against leaks.
Challenging and very rewarding

Meet The Taylor Long Construction Team on the Permapine Project
Our Valued Clients
